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How to Avoid Layoffs

5월 23일 (목)



Join us to learn how to avoid lay offs and keep your best employees. With families, customers, and the businesses’ future hanging in the balance, leaders and HR professionals must have solutions ready to prevent lawsuits, reduce job cuts, and remain competitive in today’s tough economy.

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How to Avoid Layoffs
How to Avoid Layoffs

시간 및 장소

2024년 5월 23일 오전 10:00 – 오전 11:00 GMT-7


이벤트 소개

No one likes to lay off employees. Join us to learn how to avoid lay offs and keep your best employees.   With families, customers, and the businesses’ future hanging in the balance, leaders and HR professionals must have solutions ready to prevent lawsuits, reduce job cuts, and remain competitive in today’s tough economy.

We'll discuss:

  • When and How to reduce staff work hours
  • Getting unemployment dollars and keeping your employees
  • Performing an individual or mass layoff
  • Identifying who can and can’t be laid off
  • Notifying an employee of reduced hours or a job cut
  • Exploring compensation and benefits cuts to avoid layoffs

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