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Join our virtual webinar the second Wednesday of each month

7월 09일 (수)


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Join our virtual webinar the second Wednesday of each month
Join our virtual webinar the second Wednesday of each month

시간 및 장소

2025년 7월 09일 오전 10:00 – 오후 12:00

이벤트 소개

In the middle of a career transition? Learn how to navigate the resources and benefits available to you.

Topics and presenters include:

  • Unemployment Insurance Benefits Assistance; Presenter: EDD-Unemployment Insurance Team
  • Continued Health Care Options and Retirement Plan Information; Presenter: Certified Financial Planner
  • Resume Preparation, Interview Skills Practice, and Career Workshops; Presenters: EDD-Workers Team and OC Workforce Solutions
  • Educational and Training Opportunities; Presenters: EDD-Workers Team and OC Workforce Solutions
  • Career Counseling and Job Search Assistance; Presenter: OC Workforce Solutions

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@2022 OC 인력 솔루션

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