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Pharmacy Technician CTE Program Information Session

11월 14일 (목)


Huntington Beach Adult School

For questions contact: Huntington Beach Adult School at 714-842-4227. To register:

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Pharmacy Technician CTE Program Information Session
Pharmacy Technician CTE Program Information Session

시간 및 장소

2024년 11월 14일 오후 5:30 – 오후 7:30

Huntington Beach Adult School, 17231 Gothard St, Huntington Beach, CA 92647

이벤트 소개

Finish in less than a year! Free for all students. Pharmacy Technician Program compare to American Career College, whose Pharmacy Technician program costs $20,572.50.

Pharmacy Technicians work under the direct supervision of a licensed pharmacist. They perform basic routine tasks related to the processing of a prescription in a pharmacy. Pharmacy Technicians may count tablets; measure, mix, pour, and record amounts and dosages of medications; label bottles; and package pharmaceuticals. They typically work in retail or hospital settings that are clean, organized, well-lit and well-ventilated.

Pharmacy Technician Facts - There are over 473,167 pharmacist technicians currently employed in the United States

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