Free Career Workshops at the Orange County Workforce Solutions Center!
Hours of Operation: Mon - Fri: 8am-6pm, Sat: 9am-1pm
Register in CALJOBS: caljobs.ca.gov to sign up or call (866) 500-6587 to register. CalJOBS & Appointment instructions are listed below.
To see both on-site and virtual calendars, go to: ocworkforcesolutions.com and click the “Events” tab OR go to caljobs.ca.gov and follow the registration instructions below.
Workshops are presented virtually through Microsoft Teams Online.
Workshop Descriptions
ACT WorkKeys
Advanced Resume Language
Best Job Search Practices
FDIC Money Smart Modules
Finding Transferable Skills
How to: Resume and Cover Letters
Identifying Career and Upskilling Opportunities
Interview Tips and Best Practices
Mock Interview
Navigating LinkedIn
Resume Review
Selling Your Strengths in an Interview
Soft Skills in the Workplace
Workforce Solutions Orientation
How to Register (CalJOBS & Appointment instructions)
You must have a CalJOBS account to attend Virtual workshops. If you have an account, go to caljobs.ca.gov and log in on the top right. If you do not have an account, on the top right click on “Register New User”. Scroll down and select Option 3 – Create a user Account- and choose the option that applies to you. If you have questions about registration, signing up for a workshop, workshop information, or canceling your workshop attendance please call 866-500-6587.
To register for workshops in CalJOBS:
Log into your CalJOBS account and look at the left column
Click on the "My Resources" Tab
Click on "Upcoming Events" (this will take you to another page)
In the dropdown menu for "Event Region", select "Orange County Community Services Agency Special P"
For "Event Office", scroll all the way down to the bottom and select "Orange County One Stop Center (Brea) or (Laguna Niguel)
Leave everything else blank and click "Filter". Now when you scroll down you should see the selected One-Stop Calendar
Read the calendar carefully and sign up for the workshop you want by double clicking the workshop, scrolling all the way down, and clicking on the “Register” button.
Read the calendar carefully and sign up for the workshop you want by double clicking the workshop, scrolling all the way down, and clicking on the “Register” button.
To Sign Up by phone:
Know the Name, Date, and Time of the workshop you would like to take
Call 866-500-6587 and speak with a receptionist. They will take your name, phone number, and last four of your Social Security to register you for the workshop you want. *You must have a CalJOBS account to register, if you do not have a CalJOBS account, we will assist you in making one after your workshop.
Request for Auxiliary Aids and Services
This WIOA Title I financially assisted program or activity is an equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. If you need special assistance to participate in this program, call (866) 500-6587. TDD/TTY users, please call the California Relay Service at (800) 735-2922 or 711. Please call 48 hours in advance to allow the OC Workforce Solutions Center to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this program.
Contact Information
Call (866) 500-6587