If you’re facing additional barriers in your search for a job, career and self-sufficiency, you’re not alone. We’re here to help. Through our partnerships with a range of service providers and organizations, OC Workforce Solutions can connect you to no-cost services and referrals for:
Transitional and permanent housing
Childcare and transportation resources
Financial literacy and assistance
Unemployment services and guidance
Healthcare and mental health services
2-1-1 Orange County
2-1-1 Orange County (211OC) links Orange County’s most vulnerable with the health and human service resources they need. Callers seeking assistance can dial 2-1-1 or 888-600-4357 (toll-free) 24 hours-a-day and be connected to a trained Information and Referral specialists. Learn more.
Community Housing Council Southern California
Community Housing Council provides housing counseling to homeowners and renters who are struggling with housing issues and insecurity, interested in homeownership, or facing landlord issues. Learn more.
Department of Rehabilitation
The California Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) helps individuals with disabilities find employment, live independently, and achieve equality. DOR administers the largest vocational rehabilitation and independent living programs in the country, designed to help job seekers with disabilities obtain competitive employment in integrated work settings. Learn more.
Employment Development Department (EDD)
The EDD provides a range of services to job seekers including job search workshops, labor market information, help with using CalJOBS, referrals to education, training, and supportive services, and targeted programs for veterans, youth, deaf and hard of hearing, older workers, and dislocated workers. Learn more.
Goodwill provides a wide range of support services for adults and youth with disabilities who are preparing to re-enter the workforce. Services include help with job searches, applications and interviews, training, soft skill development, career exploration, paid work experience, earn-and-learn certification instruction, job coaching, and assistance with enrolling to receive WIOA services. Learn more.
OC Navigator
The OC Navigator is part of the Orange County Behavioral Health System Transformation Innovation Project. The project seeks to help people find and connect with the supportive resources they need in different areas of their life including health, wellbeing and other supportive services. Learn more.
Orange County United Way Upskill OC
Upskill OC is an Orange County United Way initiative designed to close skills gap. Through the training and coaching of underemployed OC residents, Upskill OC places individuals in middle-skill occupations to contribute to their overall family stability. Learn more.
Contact us today
“The staff really supported me. No matter what was happening, I knew they were there for me and I wasn’t facing this alone. I want to go back to school to earn a degree so I can do what they did for me: assist people in need who are struggling with obstacles, and help them find their direction.”
— Natalie Saint-Onge