Location | Education Required | Hours | Experience Required | # of Openings | Salary |
15122 Bolsa Chica St, Huntington Beach, CA 92649 | None | Part-time | None | 1 | $17/hour |
*Please note in the event of a permanent placement, the wage rate is not guaranteed.
Starting in 2015, HWF has grown to be one of the most comprehensive community outreach, training, and development re-entry organizations, advocating relentlessly for those enduring barriers to employment. Their credo: Obstacles to Opportunities, has sustained their over 6-year engagement with the community! The organization is staffed by employees with a diverse and intersectional backgrounds, supported by local law enforcement, and upheld by the incredible community partners across the State. Since its founding as an independent non-profit, HWF has served over 10,000 in our community, including helping over 2,500 individuals find meaningful employment.
Social Media Management
Manage Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn accounts
Create and post original content, write captions, tag relevant parties
Find and repost relevant content from related organizations, reword captions on reposts, tag relevant parties
Schedule posts for optimal times
Assist Social Media manager (SMM) in managing website content, videos, and social media posts
Create flyers and invitations for events and marketing collateral using Canva
Attend job fairs and community events
Provide outreach and educate the public on the Foundation
Event Coordination:
Assist with event planning
Create and manage event registration pages through Eventbrite
Act as event greeter as needed
Set-up and tear-down after meetings
Photograph events for social media and website content
Additional Duties:
Administrative duties as assigned
Skills Developed Over Work Experience:
Utilizing social media in a community-based/philanthropic context – create and post original content, repost relevant content, schedule posts for optimal times
Awareness and outreach (nonprofit building/community partners) through marketing – create event flyers, invitation, and marketing collateral using Canva. Provide outreach and education public on the Foundation
Event coordination – planning, managing, setting up and tearing down events
Understanding of a non-profit business model
Community-based skills/interpersonal interactions
Requirements and Qualifications:
Openness to learning tech
Ability to understand social media + use
Learning new tools + marketing skills
Understanding of laptops and computers (basic – intermediate)
Interest in reentry work and giving back to the community
Monday - Friday: 8am - 5pm
This opportunity is available to WIOA participants only.
To enroll in the program or inquire about services, please complete the Career Services Interest and Eligibility Assessment by scanning the QR Code or contacting OC Workforce Solutions at (866) 500-6587 or info@ocworkforcesolutions.com.
This WIOA Title I financially assisted program or activity is an equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. If you need special assistance to participate in this program, please call (714) 480-6500. TDD/TTY users, please call the California Relay Service at (800) 735-2922 or 711. Please call 72 hours in advance to allow the OC Workforce Solutions Center to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this program.

The views, information, or opinions expressed by the organization(s) mentioned are solely those of the individuals involved and do not necessarily represent those of the County of Orange and its employees.